星期四, 7月 19, 2007



不止一個香港朋友問過我,離開兩年怕不怕被人忘記。我只有一個答案:有甚麼好怕? 大不了一切重頭來過。








在國內,真的有些人會在稍為有空的時候 (例如近來接近暑假) 從某省老遠去到另一省,為的只是探望一下幾個舊朋友。



At 7/20/2007 2:46 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hey Shirly and Ting Ting:
Got your wedding card, thank you.

The first impression: Cute!

Second impression: Heehee, Beauty and the Beast!

I can't leave any command in your wedding blog there, Yahoo does not let me leave any message there, I guess, for I do not have a yahoo blog account.

Just want to send my blessing from the bottom my heart via the internet. I pray that God bless this marriage, fill it with love, joy and happiness and lots of good children.

Wedding here is very different. The new couple is the highest priority, and they are supposed treat like kings and queens by their friends and relatives. We don't have so much little cultural things to work do. As long as the couples are happy, who cares kind of attitude. Except one thing, the wedding ring is absoutely necessary. Our pastors and mentors told us that keep wearing the wedding ring, and no unnecessary diseases would come.

Shirley, your instructor at the workshop must be talking about the best selling American book in marriage "His needs, Her needs", somehow, I do not buy the entire the concept, a theory is a theory. May I suggest COMMITTMENT. For better or for best, in health and wealth ... committment pulls couples through these great times.

Btw, I am not a pastor, it happens that I sound like one.

GOD BLESS YOU TWO! All the best.

kK2 for Toronto

At 7/20/2007 10:35 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 7/21/2007 5:32 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Excuse me Sir.

Could you please expain what kind of "taste" that Western people lack of? Could you please kindly explain exactly what that "taste" is? Thanks ahead of your help.

I cannot understand. How about Morrie from Tuesdays with Morrie, he got "taste"?

I have personally seen a lot of Morries in U.S.A.

Have you seen the professor in Virgina in news; just the past winter, who gave up his life to save his students, and eventually he did save some of them, but he died with bullets all over his body.

Have you seen Billy Graham? Do you know how he upset he got when he see street kids without parents taking care of them?

I have seen how many HK people scolded American, stereotyped then as greedy people. And they are so easy going that they jump from bed to bed. A lot of them are, but a lot of them are not!!!!!!

Of course, there are Western people who a simply lovers, for example, Clinton. And extremely stupid ones, for exapmle, Bush Jr.

I have seen many many good Americans, in my humble opinion, they are gentle and loving. They are generous.

I don't go to blogs. I get no time. e-mail me if you don't mind.

I am very busy. There are lots of youth from mainland China, and I need to teach and guide them what I have learnt from the Americans and how they took care of me, and carry on the good tradition.

Have a great day.

At 7/21/2007 5:46 下午, Blogger tingyu_06 said...

Well, a very good dialogue over my blog.
I believe what "Ordinary Man" comment is his general view for Western people, not for all.
Moreover, his context is based on the situation in HK. His main points are at second paragraph---「其實香港生活甚極洋化,可多情,難有味。」

At 7/21/2007 5:53 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

如果有人忘記您,您來告訴我,我即刻拿出叮噹法寶~~"神奇記憶藥水"比佢飲~~包佢飲完就唔可以扮唔記得~~!! 嘩哈哈哈~~!!! XD~~

沒問題,請隨時致電給我吧。電話會EMAIL比你~ :)

At 7/22/2007 1:54 下午, Blogger tingyu_06 said...


At 7/30/2007 5:10 下午, Blogger 傳統節誕行 said...


丁羽,你都識說: 香港始終是一處得走較別人快的地方。 快得近乎無情。

That's correct.
Hin Hung



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