1. June June您果真是稀客,恐怕沒有看我先前的解說。我並非真的「老師」,那只是內地教育工作者的一種統稱。
2. 這星期在南京之際,其實我同時為學院「遙控」了一個講座,講者是美籍華裔建築設計家Maya Lin (林櫻)。我後來才知道她原來是林徽音的侄女。嘩,又一個猛人!
3. 回家安頓後馬上掃香港網頁及Blog,方知道《留著愛》背後另有故事。
4. 明天看《下周村》及《我的舞蹈生涯》,希望不枉我來回又坐八小時車。
BLOG是現代式散文匯集。 若魯迅、胡適、朱自清諸君看到這個繁華喧鬧、資訊爆炸的香港社會,竟能湧現五四運動之後的另一股散文熱潮,相信他們會同聲一笑。 《佛琳劇評》為香港戲劇作出一點記錄,喜歡與否,適隨尊便。
Hello Mr Ting!
Although I am not attending much dramas, hope you don't mind my foolish comments about "And then there is you".
First of all, let me declare my "interest" : I am a Fans of the Male Main Cast.
I had seen his performace twice for the same Bible Musical in Nov 2005 and March 2006 just bcoz of him. To my surprise, he sang so well!!
So, my main focus was on him also this time.
I think the melodies were excellent and they sang very well.
However, even not a frequent drma-goer, I also found the scenes were very rough and seemed that they did not have enough time to make them better. Seemed unfinished scenes.
Also, the lighting is not professional. I do not know it is just becasue I was sitting in the 1st row on the left far end, that the faces of the main casts when they were speaking were in the shadow of the other casts!! Seemed that no 2nd fill was arranged??
Dear ird,
I have also watched the Bible Musical that you mentioned because of the invitation by the director, that is, the playwright of "And Then There is you".
I have no hesitation with the voice and singing of the "Male Main Cast". Please note that I criticized the style and singing format of both male and female main roles. In fact, they were singing by album vocal rather than performing on stage.
Furthermore, they have been singing totally difference with the style of two main side cast and even the supporting actors.
I learnt that there are various problems within the production. However, as an audience or a critics, I have been no choice to voice out my disappointment.
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