BLOG是現代式散文匯集。 若魯迅、胡適、朱自清諸君看到這個繁華喧鬧、資訊爆炸的香港社會,竟能湧現五四運動之後的另一股散文熱潮,相信他們會同聲一笑。 《佛琳劇評》為香港戲劇作出一點記錄,喜歡與否,適隨尊便。
posted by tingyu_06 @ 11:11 下午 4 comments
Dear Face to Face,Do u remember who is Peter Lo? He has also set up his BLOG : free to visit (if you still have time!)
Cin Cin,Do you think I am really a professionl author? I am quite busy today ar.... wait and see la....
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.»
I find some information here.
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一個在上世紀六十年代中葉出生的地道香港仔(現已是佬),誤打誤撞之下走進了劇場,從此便沒有離開過。八十年代末做過電影幕後工作,周潤發在拍攝《大丈夫日記》時曾幫我打過呔;當舞台兒童劇演員時曾有「佚名王子」的美號;亦曾在藝發局做過芝麻綠豆官;後來亦做過劇團總經理;更曾在汕頭特區做過藝術教育行政人員。 很多年前已夢想做作家,現在終於如願以償----在網上做一個最自大的作家,而唯一可能有的回報,就是您的光臨。
Dear Face to Face,
Do u remember who is Peter Lo? He has also set up his BLOG :
feel free to visit (if you still have time!)
Cin Cin,
Do you think I am really a professionl author? I am quite busy today ar.... wait and see la....
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
I find some information here.
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